How to build an effective Keyword Strategy

How to build an effective Keyword Strategy

Jamie Carter
Managing Director

When it comes to getting you the increased engagement and online traffic that you’re looking for, determining the right type, volume and quality of keywords you should be targeting is, well, key.Providing the most effective presence and best return on investment for your business’ online budget will be built in large part around properly understanding the keywords and terms you should target, and then building you a bespoke strategy to get you the best placement on these terms. That’s where we come in.

  • Building The Right Keyword Strategy: Building the right keyword strategy for your company is a multi-faceted approach that is influenced by an understanding of both your specific business and your wider industry as a whole. Whether we’re designing you a new website and factoring it into the category structure of the site, or we’re creating content for you to market across your website, or we’re running a PPC advertising campaign for you, or all there, they’ll each factor in the insight we gain through our keyword research. When seeking out the most necessary and most effective keywords to really get the most out of your budget, we’ll consider some of the following key factors:
  • Short-form/Long-form: There are a number of different ways to target keywords, and the length of term searched for is one where you can really make in-roads into certain rankings. It may be that you want to rank for a certain iconic term, for example “electrical goods” or “window cleaning”, but there are a range of longer terms, many in question form, that have great search volume, for example “what is the best cordless power drill?” or “how often should I get my windows cleaned?”. We’ll take care of the research on short-form and long-form keywords related to your business and help you plan what to target.
  • Location-based variations: Another feature we’ll look into is providing location-based variations on many of your key industry search terms, as a higher proportion of users will add their own location to whatever they’re searching for. We can produce a sizeable volume of location-based SEO pages once we’ve determined which and how many locations you want to target.
  • Cost Per Click: This is a key part of ensuring you get the most from any keywords that you are looking to enlist paid advertising for. This is a great short-term - or long-term if you have the budget - way to ensure that you appear at the top of the listings for your chosen keywords. The key factor to note, however, is that you don’t pay by the day, or the hour, but by how many times the advert is clicked on, which can be very cost-effective, but also very costly if not planned and monitored correctly. We’ll help you identify which keywords will be the most profitable for you in terms of generating quality leads at the lowest possible cost.
  • Competition: Working in tandem with recognising the associated cost of each keyword is to look at the relative competition for each term, which will help us to analyse how likely it is that you’ll be able to get to one of the top ranks - and ideally stay there - for various keyword terms. We’ll be able to build you a strategy identifying which keywords are most attainable and how we plan to get you a top ranking for them.

With all of these factors at play, we’ll use the keyword strategy to initially add content to your website and/or begin a paid advertising campaign, whilst long-term we’ll reference new monthly keywords from analytics, keyword research, Google Adwords and search console data to find new keywords to create content for and target with link building.

Generating Quality Leads

We’ve developed a high degree of insight into keyword research over the years, and while it’s not an exact science, we can give you the best possible chance of generating quality leads by targeting the ideal search terms for you. Whether you have an in-depth knowledge of the keywords you want to target, or you’ve never heard of keyword targeting before, we’ll be able to work with you to build a specific plan for your company. If you’d like to speak to us about this area of our work in more detail, please get in touch today.

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