How does the Link Management & Penalty Removal process work?

How does the Link Management & Penalty Removal process work?

Jamie Carter
Managing Director

You can believe us when we say that link management is absolutely crucial to any business that wants to thrive in SEO terms. But what is it?Link management is based around securing your website’s SEO. You’re probably familiar with the fact that websites can be hacked for information, but your website can effectively be hacked in SEO terms, with hackers or even competitors causing your site to be penalised by building links to your website that are intentionally bad or unethical links with no relevance. We can help to prevent this.

Key Types of Link

There are different key types of links that can be built. We go into more detail on our Link Building page, but they include:

  • Traffic Generating Links: As the name suggests, these are links aimed at directing more traffic towards your company’s website and other online channels. These won’t necessarily raise your rankings on certain keywords, but they’ll be placed in online spaces that will attract people to your site.
  • Search Engine Result Pages Links: These links are more specifically concerned with targeting specific keywords rankings to help your search engine position ranks.
  • Reputation Management Links: These are about getting your name out there in a positive light, so all the links will be built around your company name.
  • PageRank Improvement Links: In short, this is about obtaining dofollow links from authoritative pages with good PageRank, which can help your SEO performance overall.
  • Secondary Backlinks: This is about going even deeper with boosting the SEO potential of your links, by adding quality natural links to those links.

All of these need to be managed correctly, and if done well, have the potential to add great SEO value. Another linking element worth looking at is your website’s anchor text. Anchor text is the physical link text from one website to another, so say if the BBC link to your business and mention you in the article with a link to your website as Company X, then the anchor text here is Company X.

Link Management

To enhance your SEO, you can look to alter your anchor text to improve your overall keyword ranks. Attention needs to be paid here so that you’re not manipulating Google, but there’s no harm in asking websites who linked to yours to change the anchor text to something more relevant to your services.As part of our SEO and link building services, we offer link management with any campaign. It's a standard part of our SEO campaigns, ensuring your website's safety in the SERP’s. We also use a range of key industry tools to monitor link spikes and drops. SEO is not a magic formula, but when done well it can have huge benefit and when done poorly it can spell disaster, so we’d advise ensuring a qualified team is overseeing the management of your links if SEO is a key marketing channel.

Penalty Removal

To put it simply, a Google penalty can destroy the rankings you’ve worked hard to build. If you ever suffer a Google penalty, it can stop your website ranking highly, or at all, because Google determine you’ve employed unnatural SEO practices which go against their increasingly strict quality guidelines.The fact that Google are raising the standards for its users and eradicate spam-focused sites is actually good for honest sites in the long run, but it may be that in the process your site is flagged for an SEO strategy that cuts corners, even if unknowingly employed. As an agency, we’ve seen clients taken advantage of by others in the past with poor practice, so we work hard on penalty removal.

Recovering a Penalised Website

We’ve fielded a number of requests from concerned business owners seeking help with recovering from Google-imposed penalties, most of which came from unnatural linking methods on their behalf. We have a great success rate in recovering penalised websites, with expert knowledge into negative impacts that Google’s penalties and algorithm can have on your business. We’ll be able to assess the amount of work needed to recover from your specific penalty. We’ll do so by having our technical experts apply some of the following services on your links: (each service has its own dedicated page)

  • Link Auditing: We’ll collate a fully comprehensive list of all of your website’s backlinks and determine their quality to work out which ones are natural and which are unnatural in Google’s eyes.
  • Link Removal: We’ll also remove or - if they can’t be removed - ‘disavow’ any links that we’ve identified as unnatural. A disavow process would involve a file requesting Google disregard external links from certain harmful sites when it next crawls your website’s backlink profile.
  • Submit Reconsider Request: We’ll also submit a request for Google to reconsider your penalty once we’ve ensured a clean bill of health across all of your current links. This may or may not be successful, but either way it will notify Google that whatever problems they identified have been addressed as we continue the process of eradicating and recovering from your penalty.
  • Link Recovery: Once we’ve fully cleaned your backlink profile, we’ll begin the next step of the recovery process by building quality organic links for your website. We’ll ensure to only use natural link building methods in line with Google’s accepted terms, protecting you from any future penalty.
  • Supporting You Through Penalty Removal: A Google penalty can be a huge blow to the SEO authority you may have spent years establishing, but it doesn’t have to cause irreparable damage. For information on how we can support you through penalty removal and ensure proper link management going forward, please get in touch with us today.

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