Dedicated Digital Marketing For Law Firms

Dedicated Digital Marketing For Law Firms

Nick Clapson
Client Services Director

The digital channels have become more popular in more recent years, in part due to the Covid pandemic but also the influence’s felt by the Legal marketplace via competitors adopting and exploring new ways to generate leads into their firms. This has seen digital marketing become one of the primary channels to generate new business successfully for every area of the legal industry.

The increase in the adoption of digital channels being used is also due to the growing need for return on investment and the justification of marketing budgets.

As businesses operate on a tighter and tighter budget and the need for growth and progression, this form of marketing offers the ability to measure and respond through highly targeted campaigns and website testing.

By utilising the Digital Landscape, it is possible to act quickly optimising the output and results generated by combinations of lead generation mediums such as Website Optimisation, Microsite website builds, Search Engine Optimisation and Paid advertising services such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads. As campaigns are driven by data, this also means the return on investment, impact and lead volume can be measured very accurately and thus translated directly into the ROI being generated by the activity.

So why is digital marketing important for Law firms? Well in a nutshell it offers the ability to generate business in a flexible, more cost-effective, measurable way and when combined with conversion rate optimisation (which we will discuss later) could be considered to be a foolproof way of growing your business.

How We Could Benefit Your Law Firm

  • Generate Your Own Clients
  • Rank Your Website
  • More Cost-Effective

Quality Controlled Leads

We have been working with Solicitors and Law Firms for the past 5 years and in that time generated thousands of leads, in all areas of Law.

Let us help your law firm excel online and start generating more business.

Email or call us today on 0151 321 2320

How can I market my law firm online?

There are different ways to market your law firm, historically this was, in the main offline, but as mentioned over the past 5 years online lead generation, has grown considerably. There are various methods and combinations of digital marketing efforts that can be used in conjunction with each other to generate more clients. These do have varying levels of success dependant on the area of law you are attempting to generate leads in, which is why a clear digital marketing strategy is worth its weight in gold.

One of the areas we excel in as a dedicated Law firm, digital marketing partner, is the research, consultation and construction of bespoke digital marketing campaigns, designed around specific legal services.

We work with you to understand your key objectives and outcomes that you wish to achieve through your marketing budget and offer guidance as well as the physical implementation, to enable your law firm to realise these digital marketing strategies. We Are Web have been partnering with Law Firms for over 6 years, helping them to generate business through website design and marketing, creating a sustainable source of new clients.

So why is digital marketing important for Law firms? Well in a nutshell it offers the ability to generate business in a flexible, more cost-effective, measurable way and when combined with conversion rate optimisation (which we will discuss later) could be considered to be a foolproof way of growing your business.

How do we get started Generating business for Our Law Firm online?

So, we have established that there are multiple methods that can be used to generate business online for your law firm, the question is how do you get started?

Well, many of the larger Law firms do have internal marketing departments that manage campaigns and activities and usually lean on digital marketing partners like us, for individual services. However, for the smaller to medium sized Law firm, this becomes more of a challenge, as it will usually be either an individual marketing person or a secondary responsibility for a lawyer. This means digital marketing or any marketing for that matter, doesn’t get the focus it deserves and more often than not, campaigns struggle to generate leads in a cost effective manner.

This is through no fault of their own, after all, it’s very difficult to be an expert in so many areas of marketing such as social media marketing, search engine optimisation to rank well in search engines, website optimisation, Google Ads and the list continues and to still be effective. That’s why working with a digital marketing partner such as We Are Web can be so beneficial, as we are and do have experts in all areas of our proposed digital marketing strategy. This ensures you get the biggest bang for your buck as your law firm continues to grow.

Don't Just Take Our Word For It

“WAW have an outstanding aptitude for detail. Jamie and his team understand the needs of their client’s and this makes them stand out from the other digital marketing agencies. WAW are outstanding digital professionals who punch above their weight”

Marketing Manager,


Digital Marketing Consultation For Law Firms

We Are Web has many strengths as a marketing agency, but one of the most underutilised is our digital consultation and strategy creation skills. We see this as one of the major benefits of being one of our partners offering direct access to our unique insight and experience both within the Legal Industry but also within Lead Generation operating in the real world of business.

As well as our high calibre team of experts with many, many years of experience gained through working directly with clients and implementing some very intricate campaigns. Our Managing Director has been directly involved in multi-million-pound digital projects as well as worked previously on the directorship board of a multi-billion pound business, directly involved in the digital strategies that elevated the business to new heights.

This unique insight from both a Corporate, Legal and Agency standpoint allows us to be more considerate to your online marketing needs as a Law Firm and how logistically your business operates so we can generate the best results, not only digitally but also how leads are followed up and the technology used to manage cases and matters.

After an initial consultation to ensure we are the right fit for your law firm, we arrange a follow-up session, where we establish who your target demographic is for each of the given service areas, and the best ways in which we can put your law firm in front of them at the right time, which is key.

After the consultation session, this is where we look at the digital strategy and start to pull together all of the information on how best to maximise leads from your target audience, the budgets required and methods that should be used. This digital strategy is then presented back to you for discussion and agreement before we start the implementation of the campaign.If you are thinking about how you can increase your exposure online and the volume of leads coming into your business, then email or call us to start a no-obligation, informal discussion and how we can help.

Web design for Law Firms

One of the key areas for the success of any website whether legal or within an alternative industry is the website design visuals, layout and infrastructure as well as architecture and user navigation. This coupled with concise and clear messaging and high-quality content, helps to improve the overall user experience of the website, allowing visitors to navigate around your website pages easily and find the service they are looking for. This also helps from a search engine optimisation (SEO) standpoint as the algorithms being used by Google can map these journeys and understand if your website is optimal for a user. In more recent years one of the major areas of this is the ability for a website to load correctly on a wide range of device types such as your desktop, tablet or mobile phone. With the huge range of technology being used in today's world, it's imperative that your website is optimised for a wide breadth of online platforms, so it loads quickly as well as looks and functions as well as possible. Our designers have been designing Legal websites for many years and understand the key elements and considerations that should be included in a high converting web page, allowing us to design and build fantastic websites that generate leads.

Microsite Lead Generation for your law firm online

One of the more typical strategies for lead generation and business growth is the optimisation of the main website. Although this is definitely a sensible approach there are other options available. If you are targeting a specific range of services, it may be more prudent to take a microsite approach where both brand and lead generation tactics can be explored more flexibility. This often gives better results as you can design and build website resources, aimed at converting visitors to the website as efficiently as possible. This supported by highly targeted paid digital advertising campaigns can yield excellent results as everything suddenly becomes much more relevant both subconsciously in the eyes of the user but also for Google determining the quality of the associated micro-website.

Website Development and Hosting for Law Firms

Law firms can leverage a range of different platforms depending on the requirements of the website as well as the back end infrastructure they operate the business on. Platforms such as WordPress and .net applications are common place, as these are much easier to integrate into back end CRM and case management systems, over and above bespoke CMS systems built independently.

Both of these platforms work equally well for many applications so can be down to preference more than anything else, especially with advances in technology with WordPress being able to deliver static content making everything so much quicker.

In regards to hosting, cloud-based hosting is more preferable due to the flexible features the modern hosting provider can offer infrastructure wise, but there are considerations in regards to security and having experts who can manage this for you. Many Law firms opt for in-house hosting and in-hosting management which I wouldn't always be a big advocate of, due to restrictions in technological updates, one of the major benefits of operating from the cloud.

Search Engine Optimisation  for Law Firms

Search Engine Optimisation for Law Firms can be implemented on a few different levels, depending on both the size of the Law firm and the locations of the target audience. Many small law firms will only have one website and target people within a set geographical area, known as local SEO. If this is the case more local based SEO strategy focusing on more geographical, service-related keyword research would be a more prudent strategy. This would focus more on outcomes around generating new business, not attempting just to achieve ego-based keyword rankings with a more refined online strategy. This form of strategy then lends its self to optimising the website technically and for more local keyword types such as "Solicitors Derby" for example and driving traffic through high-quality content, link building and harnessing social media and forum based platforms.

For the larger law firm, a more in-depth and wider digital strategy needs to be implemented as the residing websites are usually much bigger and require a lot more work to optimise both from a Technical SEO standpoint but also keyword targeting. Usually, we would look at targeting the more generic and long-tail keywords with a larger site, using internal linking to build virtual and physical content based silo's to target specific service areas. This can become a very complex and intricate task that does require quite a lot of time and focus to get right. If this is done right however you not only future proof the website but are suddenly able to generate leads in many areas of law.

CRO for Law Firms

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO), the sleeping giant. One of the most overlooked areas of Web design and Digital marketing strategy is CRO. The idea of Conversion Rate Optimisation is to make measured incremental changes to a website to continuously improve how well a user engages with pages and carries out specific actions. So for instance filling out an enquiry form, clicking certain buttons, following a certain page path all can help generate business much more effective if done right. for example:

  • A website receives 10,000 visitors per month and has a conversion rate of 2%, this sees the website generating 200 leads per month.
  • By making incremental changes and increasing this to a mere 5% (which is definitely doable) you can more than double the volume of leads coming into the business.
  • This can be achieved with far less expense than raising the budget by the equivalent upgrade to achieve the same outcome.
  • Although this seems like a no brainer, you would be surprised how often this area of the digital strategy is overlooked.

We Are Web are digital engineers who work with data on a daily basis, so CRO makes sense and is a major part of what we do to achieve results.

Google Ads for Law Firms

Historically Google Ads when leveraged by a Law firm can be very expensive. This is due to both the competitiveness of keywords and other Law firms, but also the volume of lead generators who operate in this arena and sell on cases and leads individually. Often though the quality of these leads and cases are poor as freelance lead generators do not have the same considerations and carefully crafted brand equity a law firm has, so generally use more questionable techniques to gain leads.

There are however ways in which we can build more cost-effective campaigns based on specific keywords and geographical targeting. We also use aspects such as audience types and demographic information to refine prospective clients, which in turn lowers the cost per click and ensure leads that come through to the website are more highly qualified.

If you find the Google Ads campaigns you are running are extremely costly and are not providing a good level of return on investment, then we would be happy to review it for you and advise where we can help.

Social Media Marketing for Law Firms

Social Media Marketing has become a popular method of generating traffic and leads through your website or microsite. Although an influential based marketing method, a good social media strategy can achieve amazing results. This format of Law firm advertising can reach a much wider audience at a much cheaper cost. If set up correctly this online marketing method has the ability to generate higher volumes of business, quickly. This does however come with the caveat of, the leads coming through may not be as far down the sales funnel as you may want and may need further nurturing to convert them into clients.

The most popular advertising Social Media platform is of course Facebook. Facebook does provide a very flexible and targeted platform that can be used to generate new business leads, however, it is not the easiest to set up and manage. It can also be a bit of an art form to design & create, set up and test ads that are effective at driving quality traffic to the website. This is something we have been doing for many years, so know quite a bit about it.

Linkedin Ads/Campaigns for Law Firms

Linkedin advertising for Law firms again is more commercial lead and is a great way to expand both networks and directly drive commercial leads to your website. With options such as Linkedin Ads, Connector campaigns, Linkedin blogging and brand building, Linkedin can be an all-encompassing platform that can enhance your law firm marketing and get your firm in front of the right commercial client base.

Like the other social media platforms, Linkedin utilises an influential ad approach using display ads to target individuals with specific business demographics. Although this paid advertising platform is still quite young when compared with the likes of Facebook, it is still very good at driving relevant traffic.

Connector campaigns take a more personalised approach of growing your network as well as direct outreach to businesses and business owners who may require your services. This again is a highly measurable method of generating leads and can be very fruitful given the right approach.

So What Next?

In summary, there are many ways to promote your law firm and generate leads and new business through online advertising and website design. The most successful approach is to harness multiple channels and run campaigns side by side to educate and support each other in funnelling prospects through to enquiry.

We have been working with law firms for many years operating many very successful campaigns, becoming long term digital partners. If you are looking to grow your law firm and increase your presence online, big or small, we are here to offer our knowledge and expertise.

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